Monday, November 5, 2012

Reading for November 5th

I found it interesting when Gillin asked the question about whether businesses should even bother with social media (p. 180). He admits that social media works for some companies and not for others, but the way we talk in class, it seems that all businesses should engage in some sort of social media site if they want to be successful. Our generation is dependent on communication over the internet, and there are so many different types of social media sites, that any business could find one that works for them. Creating a significant site that contains the right content and engages users is what draws an audience in to buy products or services from different companies.
It’s also interesting that Gillin mentions that question because talks about traditional marketing vs. social media marketing, and how traditional marketing doesn’t add up to marketing online (p. 184). Actually trying to promote and sell face-to-face is always a hit or miss and gains no power (p. 185). However, posting means of advertising and selling online allows for more concrete publication and reaches more of an audience.
Another point Gillin expresses is the fact that marketers need to “ditch the pitch” and engage more (p. 186). Engaging is so much more beneficial to users because they feel good that the company is taking the time to actively explain their product of service instead of just delivering a pitch that probably won’t even stick in the consumer’s mind.
I think it makes so much more of a difference when companies engage in social media because consumers are able to have more of an interaction with them that is more satisfying and successful than communicating face-to-face or over the phone. I guess my question for Gillin is: What do you mean when you say that social media is only for some businesses but not others?

1 comment:

  1. Kellie, I really like how you asked that question of Gillin. I feel like in this class that we learn that everyone and every company HAS to have a hand in some sort of social media, like you said. For some reasons, I would have to disagree and take Gillin's side. I know a ton of local business from home that do just fine without any of this advanced media marketing. However, I guess it makes you think "what if". Could they be doing better if they did have a facebook page or twitter? Like you said, our generation is all about social media so it would make sense that every business needs to be involved in it to capture our attention and the attention of future generations when social media becomes even more saturated with them.
