Sunday, September 16, 2012

Readings for Sept. 17

                Chapter 8 of Howard’s Design to Thrive really focused on the importance of social media in today’s world. We rely so heavily on social media for communication that it has completely changed the way information is spread. The Twitter example proved that anyone with access to social media can share opinions and information about events occurring around the world. The process of retweeting and hashtagging enables users to spread news. Without social media, information would not travel nearly as quickly, and less people would be able to talk about their thoughts with others around the world. The problem with social media, as Howard pointed out, is that it is so easy for people to post absolutely anything they want to online.
                The tragic story of what happened to the U.S. Embassy in Lybia all started with an offensive video that was made available to the public eye. The video was “anti-Muslim” and really had nothing to do with the United States, but the violence got out of hand and people who weren’t even involved in the production of the video are the ones who suffered (FOX News Online). This example shows how powerful social media can really be. The information and content that is placed online affects how our world operates, whether good or bad. It can bring people together or completely tear us apart. It’s scary how huge of an effect different videos and posts have on the rest of the world.
                Another important part of social media that Howard mentioned is copyrighting. Most people don’t think about copyrighting issues when they download a song or use online pictures for different projects. Copyrighting protects authors and publishers because their work should be their own, and if someone else tries to display their work as their own without crediting the original producer, it takes away all of the hard work that person put into that creation.  I’m glad that we go over this in class for our Camtasia projects because I probably wouldn’t have thought twice about using a random song from the internet as part of my project. It’s important that we know the consequences of copyrighting so we are more cautious when borrowing other’s work.

1 comment:

  1. I think it’s really important that you took the time to expand on copyrighting. You said most people don’t think about copyrighting issues when downloading something which I completely agree with. Also the part about simply using online pictures for projects isn’t well known. I was familiar with downloading as illegal and a clear violation, but I didn’t learn about the use of pictures I found online to be a problem until someone brought it up to me and made me aware of what kind of trouble I could land myself in. I definitely agree with your statement about the importance of being aware of copyright laws because ignorance is not a valid excuse.
